Thursday, April 7, 2011

Resolve problem of "searching" on motorola q cdma

for motorola q cdma owners, especially those using operator flexi must have encountered the case it says "searching" on the homescreen, but full signal and function normally. Consequently the battery becomes very wasteful. to fix we can flash moto q us. to the equipment required is,
1. RSD Lite software, can be downloaded here
2. firmware from motorola q, can be downloaded here
3. motorola q drivers and activesync
the steps to flash moto q as follows:
1. moto q connects to a computer
2. open RSD Lite program, wait till moto q readable by RSD Lite
3. open the firmware file moto q
4. after that press start, moto q automatically go into bootloader mode and flashing process starts
wait until the flashing process is complete and will restart auto-moto q, moto q after it has been updated and continue by entering parameters CDMA operators. to ensure smoothness in the process of flashing, make sure the moto q battery fully charged and try to use a laptop or PC equipped with a UPS to avoid the incidence of failure. if middle of flashing process is interrupted, do not panic. try to pull the battery and attach again, after that try to repeat the flashing process.


zaki said...

Bro.. setelah di-flash kudu inject ulang yah?

adhitya said...

iya. tapi lucunya cuman masukin min sama mdn trus update PRL aja. a-key gak dimasukin udah bisa buat call sama sms

Anonymous said...

trims infonya moga berpahala... tapi kok tiap mulai flash dan layar moto q dah posisi bootloader, komputer minta driver ya, padahal.. dah instal driver+activsinc bawaan moto q, trus pasti flas fail alias gagal... gimana bro? oya bro... moto q aku dah pernah di flas skitar nop 2010 di motorola center. dan hasilnya HOME SERVICE SEARCHING MLULU. padahal sebelumnya normal tuh.

adhitya said...

coba pada saat flash pake rsd lite versi 4.5 kebawah dan pakai windows xp, kemudian untuk firmware pake yang generic. aku pake windows 7 kemudian rsd lite versi 4.9 hasilnya oke, tapi ada beberapa kasus gagal flash karena pakai rsd lite versi diatas 4.5

anam said...

b row numpang nanya apa ya penyabaab hp motorolaQ punyaku stiap di bukak menunya gk muncul dn dlm sinyal gk ada sma skali tenk.,,,,,,,,,,

anam said...

numpang nanya gmn ya crnya agr bs di buka menunya hp motorolaq punya saya kok gk bs di flash apa res tart trimss

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